
When I say... I'll be your home.... 
Somewhere in the heart I know that all I can be is your peace only... I can't be a fixed place like home... I can make you feel like home... I can love you like home... I can shelter you, comfort you like home... But I can't be something like a fixed and non moving object... 
Because, I am like river. I can't stop, it's my basic nature to move forward, go with the flow. I am like the sunsets you see in the mountains... You can't own them but you know it's yours... The peace, the joy, the tranquility you feel at that time is yours, no matter how many people are having the same experience at the same time at the same place... You feel it in you... 
That feelings of yours is me.... Your peace is me... The urge of finding its path by the flowing river is me.... I can't be a calm river surrounded by my own space... 
I can't be a fixed place like home... I never was.... 
So, let's go together.... Living the life, with a purpose of finding the purpose for living this life like flowing river.... Because when we think of the purpose, all the reasons and problems become one and the true desire of your heart finds the ways through it... 


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