Getting Old...

What are the signs of getting old...
Getting wrinkles on your face, saggy muscles, uneven skin tone... All these I guess...
While being on trek.. I often get tired, I often start breathing heavily, my legs gets hurt, I get cracked foot, uneven skin tone and dry skin due to not sure environment and uncertain whether... Your hair gets frizzy and dull... Chipped lips and cracked chicks.
 When you walk miles your muscles do get fatigue and every bones of your body scream out loud and wants to just get settled with some cosy sleep and your mind doesn't allow you to do that, you pull out yourself from your comfort zone, is that the sign of aging....
Your barely comb your hair and use of makeup.. Aww..
Just washing your face in the flowing water is more than enough for you..
The pain in your legs which doesn't let you sleep and you get to experience of an abnormal heartbeat... 
If these are the signs of getting old... Then I am going through it, and trust me loving and living the ways I am getting old.. It's the most wonderful feeling of falling in love with this version of yours... 


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